For Investigators: Developing a Productive Research Program

Research in the Department of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh focuses on the cellular and molecular basis of human health and disease. Active research programs are led by a diverse faculty engaged in basic, translational and clinical areas. The development and maintenance of a successful, cutting-edge, highly published and well-funded research career is both rewarding and challenging. Fortunately, there are excellent resources in the Department, the School of Medicine, the University and beyond to help.

Although the roles and expectations for research involvement will vary depending on individual divisional/departmental needs and the particular Tenure stream or Appointment stream Faculty Pathway involved, it is important for all faculty to think about developing a cohesive theme for their scholarly activities. Whether the primary role in the research mission is to secure and serve as Principal Investigator on research grants, to support other research programs as a collaborator offering a particular area of expertise, or to develop and validate new clinical tests, being able to articulate one or two unifying themes that summarize the impact and productivity of this investigational work is important for career advancement and satisfaction.

For questions or suggestions concerning resources targeting basic investigators, please contact Andy Duncan. For clinical research, contact Darrell Triulzi.